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Pedalling for Palestine, June 2024

Pedalling for Palestine, the bike!

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Pedalling for Palestine

Leeds to Brighton, 3rd - 7th June, 2024

Tim and bike on towpath
Leeds to Brighton route

For the last three years, I have completed a cycle ride over a four or five days in the summer, covering about 250 miles. On two out of the three, I have been raising money for various causes. This year, I decided to ride from Leeds to Brighton in June. I hadn't intended to do any fundraising, but the crisis in Palestine compelled me to change my plans; so I rode to raise money for Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Here are the accounts for each day:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Medical Aid for Palestinians - Delivering health and medical care

"MAP's vision is a future where all Palestinians can access an effective, sustainable and locally-led system of healthcare, and the full realisation of their rights to health and dignity.

Through our programmes in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Lebanon, we work with trusted and experienced local partners to achieve this vision... In times of humanitarian emergency, we are ready to respond rapidly with aid and assistance.

MAP is also committed to bearing witness to the injustices caused by occupation, displacement and conflict."

The Ride

I rode from home in Leeds to Brighton over five days - the route was 498 km. I stayed in hotels or with family, and without needing to carry camping equipment and riding a much lighter machine, I was able to avoid 13 hour days like last year!

Planned distances, climbing and speed

Time (h:m) Distance (Km) Height gained (m) Speed (kph)
03/06/2024 Day 1: Pudsey to Lincoln 6:12 127.6 853.4 20.6
04/06/2024 Day 2: Lincoln to Holbeach St Marks 4:18 79.5 304.8 18.5
05/06/2024 Day 3: Holbeach St Marks to Bedford    5:52 102.2 716.3 17.4
06/06/2024 Day 4: Bedford to Ripley 6:45 117.6 1165.9 17.4
07/06/2024 Day 5: Ripley to Brighton 4:18 70.8 1485.9 16.4
Total 27:25 497.8 4526.3 18.2

Actual distances, climbing and speed

Time (h:m) Distance (Km) Height gained (m) Speed (kph)
03/06/2024 Day 1: Pudsey to Lincoln 7:02 129.9 586 18.5
04/06/2024 Day 2: Lincoln to Holbeach St Marks 4:58 79.9 60 16.1
05/06/2024 Day 3: Holbeach St Marks to Bedford    7.27 107.6 497 14.4
06/06/2024 Day 4: Bedford to Ripley 7:21 117.5 692 16.0
07/06/2024 Day 5: Ripley to Brighton 4:35 69.2 919 15.1
Total 31:24 504.3 2754 16.1

The distances are planned and actual distances are pretty close - on day 3, I made a map reading error, hence the extra 5 km! I have no idea why there is such a discrepancy between the planned and actual hill climbing heights!

The Bike

This year I used a bike based on an ancient hand-built frame given to me by a clubmate in 1963! It now has posh wheels - Campag ! - and modern transmission.

You can see many more bike details here!

The JustGiving page was here: https://www.justgiving.com/page/tim-devereux-map but can't take any more donations now, so just go to https://www.map.org.uk/